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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Solar Thermal Products: Solar Green Products, Home improvement

How are you? After getting ideas on solar energy, wind power, Home improvement if you are thinking for getting free hot water in your home and offices then you are on a right track. Today I would like to share some facts on solar thermal products , Renewable energy green products and how they work?

What are solar thermal Products?
Solar thermal products are those products which use solar and produce energy for our personal use. As they use solar energy that’s why they are known as solar products. Today we can find some solar thermal products like Evacuated tube system, Flat collectors, Solar panel and Solar cells. All the above solar devices used for different purposes.

Evacuated Tube System
Evacuated tube system gathers high temperature and prepares free hot water for domestic use. It is connection of multiple glass tubes in a row to obtain maximum heat to prepare a solar hot water. Evacuated tube system is highly expensive as compared to flat collectors and solar collectors.

Evacuated tube system is found in various ways likes directly flowing, heat pipe, and having integrating tank to produce free hot water in day time and even in cloudy environments.  They are mostly placed on the roof or in front side of the houses where maximum probability of getting sunlight.

The main purpose served by evacuated tube system is prepares free hot water that we can use in our offices and home and also in swimming it is known to be Solar green products.

Solar Flat collectors
Solar flat collector is very useful solar green products which is mostly used in home improvement for adding market value to home. Solar flat collectors are normally flat and used on roof of home or offices to produce free hot water. They also use free renewable solar energy for preparing hot waters.

Today as the people goes for home improvement by replacing some doors and windows with double glazing materials and composite doors. They also do home improvement with solar installation by adding solar thermal products. Creating garden and swimming pool in a home adds market value.

1 comment:

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